The Limits of Psychiatry; A Refutation and Compromise

Dr Benjamin Janaway 🧠
Published in
8 min readNov 6, 2020


It is only this year that Professor John Read published his latest work meta-anlysis on ECT in the in joural ‘Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry’ and catalysed a huge debate about the nature and justification of psychiatric treatments.

Although widely disputed in terms of its methodology and contradicting studies finding signficant efficacy of the treatment in Schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder and depression (previous study,) it did raise questions about how consider successful outcomes, patient experience and the role of…



Dr Benjamin Janaway 🧠
Writer for

Psychiatrist with lived experience. Navigating the world and trying to explain and educate. Nominated ‘best couple’ in medical school awards.